Today, Starlight Apps is announcing its first ever update to snApp. snApp is our most popular app, and is used by over 20,000 Mac users that rely on it to enhance their productivity. Today, we’re excited to announce and update that enhances your experience with snApp.
macOS 15+ Support; Siri Shortcut Update
snApp is now fully optimized and compatible with macOS 15 and newer releases. Not only does this include changes to the app itself, but also changes to the Siri Shortcut. This update will fix any issues that users have been facing that prevent the correct app being tiled to the chosen location on their Mac.
Tip Jar
Since snApp—like all our other apps—is open sourced and completely free to use, tips are the only way we can sustain the development of our apps. With v1.1, we’re adding support for a Tip Jar inside snApp settings. Tips help support the development of snApp, and can enable us to push new updates even quicker to bring to you the best possible window management experience.

New icon!
The snApp icon has been reconstructed to feature a glow and a brighter gradient, while retaining its familiar look. It now shares the same icon design language that is used across our apps.

This is a small update, but we’re planning on taking snApp to new heights in the coming months. snApp 1.1 is available on the Mac App Store now, and we’re excited for you to hop onto this new version and continuing to enjoy multi-tasking on your Mac.